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smell a hater* - aaron’s book club lyrics


lyrics from snippet

part i

i think i smell a hater

we gon’ show you how to make a redstone elevator
we goin’ up (uh, uh), we goin’ up (we goin’ up)
we goin’ up (we goin’ up), we goin’ up (we goin’ up)
why the fuck is this dude hating? (i got no clue)
this whole profile just videos of osu!​

there’s no place for hate in this world

part ii

i’m gonna show you how to build this shit

dig three down (under the ground)
let’s get some pistons involved, oh, yeah
a big old redstone block (it’s time for the magma)
oh, it’s time for the magma
but don’t forget that soul sand
and one piece of redstone, oh, yeah
now we get to build that tube (and fill it with water)
lets hook up that pressure plate
and then we can end this, but that pulse needs extending (oh, yeah)
walk right in, swap them blocks, wait a sec, then float on up
walk right in, swap them blocks, wait a sec, then float on up

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